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Author of Mariposa Bot Sentenced to Almost Five Years in Prison

Matjaž Škorjanc a.k.a. Iserdo was sentenced to four years and ten months in prison on December 23, 2013 by the District Court in Maribor, Slovenia. He was found guilty of manufacturing “instruments intended for the breaking or illegal entry into the information system” and money laundering. His ex-girlfriend Nuša Čoh was sentenced to eight months in probation for money laundering.

Škorjanc (27), a former Computer Science student was arrested in July 2010 by Slovenian Police following a joint action with FBI and Spanish Guardia Civil. Known in the internet underground as Iserdo, he was the author of the Butterfly Bot which was sold to a Spanish criminal group that used it to build the Mariposa botnet. The estimates for a number of infected systems range from 8 to 12 million bots. The prosecution estimates that the total damage caused by the malware is several tens of millions of Euros. Money from the bot sales was handled by Nuša Čoh who claims that she was not aware of the illegality of her role.

See other articles (in Slovenian):

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