Ljubljana, November 13-14, 2019[1]
The FIRST Technical Colloquium – Ljubljana will be held at the City Hotel in Ljubljana.
(Hotel Address: City Hotel, Dalmatinova 15, 1000 Ljubljana)
City Hotel Ljubljana is located at the heart of Ljubljana, in the traffic-free area and only a 3-minute walk from the Prešeren square.
The distance from the Jože Pučnik International Airport in Ljubljana is approximately 25 kilometres, while the main railway and bus stations are located only 400 m from the hotel.

(Pivnica Union pub, Pivovarniška ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana; 20:00CET)
We would like to invite all the colloquium participants to join us for an evening of great food and good fun to celebrate the success of our event. The reception will take place at the Pivnica Union pub on Wednesday, November 13, from 20:00 CET until late. Address: Pivovarniška ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana. Following the closing of the registration process, the participants will receive an email with detailed information on the event (e.g., managing dietary requirements, etc.).
All the information on the FIRST Technical Colloquium programme and agenda are available at https://www.first.org/events/colloquia/ljubljana2019/.
The Technical Colloquium is open to FIRST members and invited non-members. If you are having problems with the registration process or you need more information on the event, please send your inquiry to info@cert.si.
It is very easy to get around in Ljubljana. As the city center is relatively small, you can simply walk it or rent a bike. To get to other parts of Ljubljana you should use public transport like the city bus system or a taxi.
More information is available at https://www.ljubljana.info/getting-around/.
There is a number of hotels in Ljubljana offering various standards of facilities for the visitors. Official event hotel for the FIRST TC is the City Hotel in Ljubljana. For other good hotel deals in Ljubljana, we recommend you check https://www.ljubljana.info/hotels/ and make a reservation in advance.
Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@cert.si.
We look forward to welcoming you in Ljubljana!
The Organizers
[1] Following the completion of the colloquium and with the support of the U.S. Government, the CMU SEI CERT Division and SI-CERT will host a closed meeting on November 15, 2019. The event is by invitation only and all relevant information will be communicated via email directly to the invited participants.