Ljubljana, November 13 – 14, 2019
In cooperation with Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), and the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF), the Slovenian Computer Emergency Response Team (SI-CERT) is organizing an international colloquium on cyber security. The colloquium will be held in Ljubljana, on November 13 – 14, 2019.
FIRST is a global association of incident response and security teams, security vendors and all relevant members of the ICT industry who take cybersecurity as an important building block in their operations. SI-CERT has been a member of FIRST since 2001.
The first day of the Ljubljana meeting will be dedicated to the presentation of various tools and techniques for strengthening newly established cyber security centers in the Western Balkans. Experts from emergency response teams across the EU will give presentations followed by the representatives of the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA). During the first day of the colloquium, a side meeting will be held addressing the cyber capacity building initiatives in the Western Balkans.
Given the fact that SI-CERT has been actively supporting the establishment and integration of regional emergency response teams and cyber security centers, the colloquium also provides a good opportunity for further operational integration across the region. On the following day, the colloquium will offer two parallel full-day technical trainings. The Malware Information Sharing Platform (MISP) training will be conducted by experts from the Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg (CIRCL) along with training on digital forensics conducted by experts from the U.S. CERT/CC – the world’s oldest CERT (now CERT Division at the Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, CMU SEI).
The Technical Colloquium is primarily aimed at FIRST members as well as invited non-members from the region who are working on enhancing their cyber security incident response capabilities. In that light, SI-CERT has invited selected Slovenian companies and state authorities, which play an important operational role in shaping incident response capabilities, to take part in this unique educational opportunity.
Following the completion of the colloquium and with the support of the U.S. Government, the CMU SEI CERT Division and SI-CERT will host a closed meeting on November 15, 2019. The event, consisting of lectures and practical training, is aimed at capacity building and strengthening operational cooperation among the response teams in the Western Balkans and the Caucasus region.
The entire program will be carried out in English. More information about the event and the agenda is available at: https://www.first.org/events/colloquia/ljubljana2019/.
SI-CERT (Slovenian Computer Emergency Response Team) is the national cyber security incident response center for the Republic of Slovenia established in 1995. Its operations are defined under Article 28 of the Information Security Act. SI-CERT coordinates incident resolution, provides technical consulting on intrusions, computer infections and other abuses, and issues warnings on current threats in electronic networks for network operators and the general public. Under the NIS Directive, SI-CERT is a member of the CSIRTs Network. It is also a member of the FIRST forum and a group of national response centers under CERT/CC. Being a member of the TF-CSIRT forum, SI-CERT is accredited under the Trusted Introducer program.
DCAF – Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance is dedicated to making states and people safer through more effective and accountable security. DCAF was established at the initiative of the Swiss government in Geneva on October 27, 2000. Together with the Geneva Center for Security Policy and the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining, it forms the so-called “Geneva Troika” through which the Swiss Government contributes to stabilizing the situation in the Euro-Atlantic region. DCAF’s core mission is to encourage and support governmental and non-governmental institutions in strengthening democratic and civilian oversight of the armed and security forces and promoting international cooperation in this area.
FIRST (Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams) is a global association of incident response and security teams. FIRST brings together a wide variety of security and incident response experts from the field of network and information security, including product security teams from the government, commercial, and academic sectors. FIRST Technical Colloquia (TCs) provide a discussion forum for FIRST members and invited guests to share information about vulnerabilities, incidents, tools and all other issues that affect the development of cybersecurity and operations of incident response and security teams.
The Software Engineering Institute – Carnegie Mellon University (CMU SEI) / The CERT Divison has been a global leader in software engineering and cybersecurity since 1984. CMU SEI experts research complex software engineering, cybersecurity, and AI engineering problems; create and test innovative technologies; and transition maturing solutions into practice. CMU SEI has been working with the Department of Defense, government agencies, and private industry to help meet mission goals and gain strategic advantage. The CERT Division is the birthplace of cybersecurity. For nearly 30 years, the CERT Division of the SEI has partnered with government, industry, law enforcement, and academia to advance cybersecurity and improve the security and resilience of computer systems and networks.