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CyberSEAS: Cyber Securing Energy dAta Services

The CyberSEAS project is a collaborative project improving the cyber security of the European electrical power energy systems (EPES) and the overall resilience of energy supply chains, protecting them from …

2017-SI-IA-0124 – Strengthening operational aspects of cyber-security capacities in Slovenia

The Action increased the preparedness of SI-CERT by ensuring compliance with the requirements and tasks arising from the NIS Directive.

ALiEnS-SOC – Artificial Intelligence for Slovenian Electro-Energy Sector Security Operation Centre

Project coordinator:          ELES d. o. o., Operater kombiniranega prenosnega in distribucijskega elektroenergetskega omrežja, Slovenia Project partners: Elektro Celje, Podjetje za distribucijo električne energije d. d., Slovenija Elektro Gorenjska, Podjetje …